Thursday, 15 August 2019

Source Anchor & MSDSConsistency

Azure AD Connect: Design concepts

The purpose of this document is to describe areas that must be thought through during the implementation design of Azure AD Connect. This document is a deep dive on certain areas and these concepts are briefly described in other documents as well.


The sourceAnchor attribute is defined as an attribute immutable during the lifetime of an object. It uniquely identifies an object as being the same object on-premises and in Azure AD. The attribute is also called immutableId and the two names are used interchangeable.
The word immutable, that is "cannot be changed", is important to this document. Since this attribute’s value cannot be changed after it has been set, it is important to pick a design that supports your scenario.
The attribute is used for the following scenarios:
  • When a new sync engine server is built, or rebuilt after a disaster recovery scenario, this attribute links existing objects in Azure AD with objects on-premises.
  • If you move from a cloud-only identity to a synchronized identity model, then this attribute allows objects to "hard match" existing objects in Azure AD with on-premises objects.
  • If you use federation, then this attribute together with the userPrincipalName is used in the claim to uniquely identify a user.
This topic only talks about sourceAnchor as it relates to users. The same rules apply to all object types, but it is only for users this problem usually is a concern.

Selecting a good sourceAnchor attribute

The attribute value must follow the following rules:
  • Fewer than 60 characters in length
    • Characters not being a-z, A-Z, or 0-9 are encoded and counted as 3 characters
  • Not contain a special character: \ ! # $ % & * + / = ? ^ ` { } | ~ < > ( ) ' ; : , [ ] " @ _
  • Must be globally unique
  • Must be either a string, integer, or binary
  • Should not be based on user's name because these can change
  • Should not be case-sensitive and avoid values that may vary by case
  • Should be assigned when the object is created
If the selected sourceAnchor is not of type string, then Azure AD Connect Base64Encode the attribute value to ensure no special characters appear. If you use another federation server than ADFS, make sure your server can also Base64Encode the attribute.
The sourceAnchor attribute is case-sensitive. A value of “JohnDoe” is not the same as “johndoe”. But you should not have two different objects with only a difference in case.
If you have a single forest on-premises, then the attribute you should use is objectGUID. This is also the attribute used when you use express settings in Azure AD Connect and also the attribute used by DirSync.
If you have multiple forests and do not move users between forests and domains, then objectGUID is a good attribute to use even in this case.
If you move users between forests and domains, then you must find an attribute that does not change or can be moved with the users during the move. A recommended approach is to introduce a synthetic attribute. An attribute that could hold something that looks like a GUID would be suitable. During object creation, a new GUID is created and stamped on the user. A custom sync rule can be created in the sync engine server to create this value based on the objectGUID and update the selected attribute in ADDS. When you move the object, make sure to also copy the content of this value.
Another solution is to pick an existing attribute you know does not change. Commonly used attributes include employeeID. If you consider an attribute that contains letters, make sure there is no chance the case (upper case vs. lower case) can change for the attribute's value. Bad attributes that should not be used include those attributes with the name of the user. In a marriage or divorce, the name is expected to change, which is not allowed for this attribute. This is also one reason why attributes such as userPrincipalNamemail, and targetAddress are not even possible to select in the Azure AD Connect installation wizard. Those attributes also contain the "@" character, which is not allowed in the sourceAnchor.

Changing the sourceAnchor attribute

The sourceAnchor attribute value cannot be changed after the object has been created in Azure AD and the identity is synchronized.
For this reason, the following restrictions apply to Azure AD Connect:
  • The sourceAnchor attribute can only be set during initial installation. If you rerun the installation wizard, this option is read-only. If you need to change this setting, then you must uninstall and reinstall.
  • If you install another Azure AD Connect server, then you must select the same sourceAnchor attribute as previously used. If you have earlier been using DirSync and move to Azure AD Connect, then you must use objectGUID since that is the attribute used by DirSync.
  • If the value for sourceAnchor is changed after the object has been exported to Azure AD, then Azure AD Connect sync throws an error and does not allow any more changes on that object before the issue has been fixed and the sourceAnchor is changed back in the source directory.

Using ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid as sourceAnchor

By default, Azure AD Connect (version 1.1.486.0 and older) uses objectGUID as the sourceAnchor attribute. ObjectGUID is system-generated. You cannot specify its value when creating on-premises AD objects. As explained in section sourceAnchor, there are scenarios where you need to specify the sourceAnchor value. If the scenarios are applicable to you, you must use a configurable AD attribute (for example, ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid) as the sourceAnchor attribute.
Azure AD Connect (version 1.1.524.0 and after) now facilitates the use of ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid as sourceAnchor attribute. When using this feature, Azure AD Connect automatically configures the synchronization rules to:
  1. Use ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid as the sourceAnchor attribute for User objects. ObjectGUID is used for other object types.
  2. For any given on-premises AD User object whose ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute isn't populated, Azure AD Connect writes its objectGUID value back to the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute in on-premises Active Directory. After the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute is populated, Azure AD Connect then exports the object to Azure AD.
Once an on-premises AD object is imported into Azure AD Connect (that is, imported into the AD Connector Space and projected into the Metaverse), you cannot change its sourceAnchor value anymore. To specify the sourceAnchor value for a given on-premises AD object, configure its ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute before it is imported into Azure AD Connect.

Permission required

For this feature to work, the AD DS account used to synchronize with on-premises Active Directory must be granted write permission to the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute in on-premises Active Directory.

How to enable the ConsistencyGuid feature - New installation

You can enable the use of ConsistencyGuid as sourceAnchor during new installation. This section covers both Express and Custom installation in details.
Only newer versions of Azure AD Connect (1.1.524.0 and after) support the use of ConsistencyGuid as sourceAnchor during new installation.

How to enable the ConsistencyGuid feature

Currently, the feature can only be enabled during new Azure AD Connect installation only.

Express Installation

When installing Azure AD Connect with Express mode, the Azure AD Connect wizard automatically determines the most appropriate AD attribute to use as the sourceAnchor attribute using the following logic:
  • First, the Azure AD Connect wizard queries your Azure AD tenant to retrieve the AD attribute used as the sourceAnchor attribute in the previous Azure AD Connect installation (if any). If this information is available, Azure AD Connect uses the same AD attribute.
    Only newer versions of Azure AD Connect (1.1.524.0 and after) store information in your Azure AD tenant about the sourceAnchor attribute used during installation. Older versions of Azure AD Connect do not.
  • If information about the sourceAnchor attribute used isn't available, the wizard checks the state of the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute in your on-premises Active Directory. If the attribute isn't configured on any object in the directory, the wizard uses the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid as the sourceAnchor attribute. If the attribute is configured on one or more objects in the directory, the wizard concludes the attribute is being used by other applications and is not suitable as sourceAnchor attribute...
  • In which case, the wizard falls back to using objectGUID as the sourceAnchor attribute.
  • Once the sourceAnchor attribute is decided, the wizard stores the information in your Azure AD tenant. The information will be used by future installation of Azure AD Connect.
Once Express installation completes, the wizard informs you which attribute has been picked as the Source Anchor attribute.
Wizard informs AD attribute picked for sourceAnchor

Custom installation

When installing Azure AD Connect with Custom mode, the Azure AD Connect wizard provides two options when configuring sourceAnchor attribute:
Custom installation - sourceAnchor configuration
Let Azure manage the source anchor for meSelect this option if you want Azure AD to pick the attribute for you. If you select this option, Azure AD Connect wizard applies the same sourceAnchor attribute selection logic used during Express installation. Similar to Express installation, the wizard informs you which attribute has been picked as the Source Anchor attribute after Custom installation completes.
A specific attributeSelect this option if you wish to specify an existing AD attribute as the sourceAnchor attribute.

How to enable the ConsistencyGuid feature - Existing deployment

If you have an existing Azure AD Connect deployment which is using objectGUID as the Source Anchor attribute, you can switch it to using ConsistencyGuid instead.
Only newer versions of Azure AD Connect (1.1.552.0 and after) support switching from ObjectGuid to ConsistencyGuid as the Source Anchor attribute.
To switch from objectGUID to ConsistencyGuid as the Source Anchor attribute:
  1. Start the Azure AD Connect wizard and click Configure to go to the Tasks screen.
  2. Select the Configure Source Anchor task option and click Next.
    Enable ConsistencyGuid for existing deployment - step 2
  3. Enter your Azure AD Administrator credentials and click Next.
  4. Azure AD Connect wizard analyzes the state of the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute in your on-premises Active Directory. If the attribute isn't configured on any object in the directory, Azure AD Connect concludes that no other application is currently using the attribute and is safe to use it as the Source Anchor attribute. Click Next to continue.
    Enable ConsistencyGuid for existing deployment - step 4
  5. In the Ready to Configure screen, click Configure to make the configuration change.
    Enable ConsistencyGuid for existing deployment - step 5
  6. Once the configuration completes, the wizard indicates that ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid is now being used as the Source Anchor attribute.
    Enable ConsistencyGuid for existing deployment - step 6
During the analysis (step 4), if the attribute is configured on one or more objects in the directory, the wizard concludes the attribute is being used by another application and returns an error as illustrated in the diagram below. This error can also occur if you have previously enabled the ConsistencyGuid feature on your primary Azure AD Connect server and you are trying to do the same on your staging server.
Enable ConsistencyGuid for existing deployment - error
If you are certain that the attribute isn't used by other existing applications, you can suppress the error by restarting the Azure AD Connect wizard with the /SkipLdapSearch switch specified. To do so, run the following command in command prompt:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AzureADConnect.exe" /SkipLdapSearch

Impact on AD FS or third-party federation configuration

If you are using Azure AD Connect to manage on-premises AD FS deployment, the Azure AD Connect automatically updates the claim rules to use the same AD attribute as sourceAnchor. This ensures that the ImmutableID claim generated by ADFS is consistent with the sourceAnchor values exported to Azure AD.
If you are managing AD FS outside of Azure AD Connect or you are using third-party federation servers for authentication, you must manually update the claim rules for ImmutableID claim to be consistent with the sourceAnchor values exported to Azure AD as described in article section Modify AD FS claim rules. The wizard returns the following warning after installation completes:
Third-party federation configuration

Adding new directories to existing deployment

Suppose you have deployed Azure AD Connect with the ConsistencyGuid feature enabled, and now you would like to add another directory to the deployment. When you try to add the directory, Azure AD Connect wizard checks the state of the ms-DS-ConsistencyGuid attribute in the directory. If the attribute is configured on one or more objects in the directory, the wizard concludes the attribute is being used by other applications and returns an error as illustrated in the diagram below. If you are certain that the attribute isn't used by existing applications, you can suppress the error by restarting the Azure AD Connect wizard with the /SkipLdapSearch switch specified as described above or you need to contact Support for more information.
Adding new directories to existing deployment

Azure AD sign-in

While integrating your on-premises directory with Azure AD, it is important to understand how the synchronization settings can affect the way user authenticates. Azure AD uses userPrincipalName (UPN) to authenticate the user. However, when you synchronize your users, you must choose the attribute to be used for value of userPrincipalName carefully.

Choosing the attribute for userPrincipalName

When you are selecting the attribute for providing the value of UPN to be used in Azure one should ensure
  • The attribute values conform to the UPN syntax (RFC 822), that is it should be of the format username@domain
  • The suffix in the values matches to one of the verified custom domains in Azure AD
In express settings, the assumed choice for the attribute is userPrincipalName. If the userPrincipalName attribute does not contain the value you want your users to sign in to Azure, then you must choose Custom Installation.

Custom domain state and UPN

It is important to ensure that there is a verified domain for the UPN suffix.
John is a user in You want John to use the on-premises UPN to sign in to Azure after you have synced users to your Azure AD directory To do so, you need to add and verify as a custom domain in Azure AD before you can start syncing the users. If the UPN suffix of John, for example, does not match a verified domain in Azure AD, then Azure AD replaces the UPN suffix with

Non-routable on-premises domains and UPN for Azure AD

Some organizations have non-routable domains, like contoso.local, or simple single label domains like contoso. You are not able to verify a non-routable domain in Azure AD. Azure AD Connect can sync to only a verified domain in Azure AD. When you create an Azure AD directory, it creates a routable domain that becomes default domain for your Azure AD for example, Therefore, it becomes necessary to verify any other routable domain in such a scenario in case you don't want to sync to the default domain.
Read Add your custom domain name to Azure Active Directory for more info on adding and verifying domains.
Azure AD Connect detects if you are running in a non-routable domain environment and would appropriately warn you from going ahead with express settings. If you are operating in a non-routable domain, then it is likely that the UPN, of the users, have non-routable suffixes too. For example, if you are running under contoso.local, Azure AD Connect suggests you to use custom settings rather than using express settings. Using custom settings, you are able to specify the attribute that should be used as UPN to sign in to Azure after the users are synced to Azure AD.

AAD Connect

Topologies for Azure AD Connect

This article describes various on-premises and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) topologies that use Azure AD Connect sync as the key integration solution. This article includes both supported and unsupported configurations.
Here's the legend for pictures in the article:
On-premises Active Directory forestOn-premises Active Directory forest
On-premises Active Directory with filtered importActive Directory with filtered import
Azure AD Connect sync serverAzure AD Connect sync server
Azure AD Connect sync server “staging mode”Azure AD Connect sync server “staging mode”
GALSync with Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 or Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) 2016GALSync with FIM 2010 or MIM 2016
Azure AD Connect sync server, detailedAzure AD Connect sync server, detailed
Azure ADAzure Active Directory
Unsupported scenarioUnsupported scenario
Microsoft doesn't support modifying or operating Azure AD Connect sync outside of the configurations or actions that are formally documented. Any of these configurations or actions might result in an inconsistent or unsupported state of Azure AD Connect sync. As a result, Microsoft can't provide technical support for such deployments.

Single forest, single Azure AD tenant

Topology for a single forest and a single tenant
The most common topology is a single on-premises forest, with one or multiple domains, and a single Azure AD tenant. For Azure AD authentication, password hash synchronization is used. The express installation of Azure AD Connect supports only this topology.

Single forest, multiple sync servers to one Azure AD tenant

Unsupported, filtered topology for a single forest
Having multiple Azure AD Connect sync servers connected to the same Azure AD tenant is not supported, except for a staging server. It's unsupported even if these servers are configured to synchronize with a mutually exclusive set of objects. You might have considered this topology if you can't reach all domains in the forest from a single server, or if you want to distribute load across several servers.

Multiple forests, single Azure AD tenant

Topology for multiple forests and a single tenant
Many organizations have environments with multiple on-premises Active Directory forests. There are various reasons for having more than one on-premises Active Directory forest. Typical examples are designs with account-resource forests and the result of a merger or acquisition.
When you have multiple forests, all forests must be reachable by a single Azure AD Connect sync server. You don't have to join the server to a domain. If necessary to reach all forests, you can place the server in a perimeter network (also known as DMZ, demilitarized zone, and screened subnet).
The Azure AD Connect installation wizard offers several options to consolidate users who are represented in multiple forests. The goal is that a user is represented only once in Azure AD. There are some common topologies that you can configure in the custom installation path in the installation wizard. On the Uniquely identifying your users page, select the corresponding option that represents your topology. The consolidation is configured only for users. Duplicated groups are not consolidated with the default configuration.
Common topologies are discussed in the sections about separate topologies, full mesh, and the account-resource topology.
The default configuration in Azure AD Connect sync assumes:
  • Each user has only one enabled account, and the forest where this account is located is used to authenticate the user. This assumption is for password hash sync, pass-through authentication and federation. UserPrincipalName and sourceAnchor/immutableID come from this forest.
  • Each user has only one mailbox.
  • The forest that hosts the mailbox for a user has the best data quality for attributes visible in the Exchange Global Address List (GAL). If there's no mailbox for the user, any forest can be used to contribute these attribute values.
  • If you have a linked mailbox, there's also an account in a different forest used for sign-in.
If your environment does not match these assumptions, the following things happen:
  • If you have more than one active account or more than one mailbox, the sync engine picks one and ignores the other.
  • A linked mailbox with no other active account is not exported to Azure AD. The user account is not represented as a member in any group. A linked mailbox in DirSync is always represented as a normal mailbox. This change is intentionally a different behavior to better support multiple-forest scenarios.
You can find more details in Understanding the default configuration.

Multiple forests, multiple sync servers to one Azure AD tenant

Unsupported topology for multiple forests and multiple sync servers
Having more than one Azure AD Connect sync server connected to a single Azure AD tenant is not supported. The exception is the use of a staging server.
This topology differs from the one below in that multiple sync servers connected to a single Azure AD tenant is not supported.

Multiple forests, single sync server, users are represented in only one directory

Option for representing users only once across all directories
Depiction of multiple forests and separate topologies
In this environment, all on-premises forests are treated as separate entities. No user is present in any other forest. Each forest has its own Exchange organization, and there's no GALSync between the forests. This topology might be the situation after a merger/acquisition or in an organization where each business unit operates independently. These forests are in the same organization in Azure AD and appear with a unified GAL. In the preceding picture, each object in every forest is represented once in the metaverse and aggregated in the target Azure AD tenant.

Multiple forests: match users

Common to all these scenarios is that distribution and security groups can contain a mix of users, contacts, and Foreign Security Principals (FSPs). FSPs are used in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to represent members from other forests in a security group. All FSPs are resolved to the real object in Azure AD.

Multiple forests: full mesh with optional GALSync

Option for using the mail attribute for matching when user identities exist across multiple directories
Full mesh topology for multiple forests
A full mesh topology allows users and resources to be located in any forest. Commonly, there are two-way trusts between the forests.
If Exchange is present in more than one forest, there might be (optionally) an on-premises GALSync solution. Every user is then represented as a contact in all other forests. GALSync is commonly implemented through FIM 2010 or MIM 2016. Azure AD Connect cannot be used for on-premises GALSync.
In this scenario, identity objects are joined via the mail attribute. A user who has a mailbox in one forest is joined with the contacts in the other forests.

Multiple forests: account-resource forest

Option for using the ObjectSID and msExchMasterAccountSID attributes for matching when identities exist across multiple directories
Account-resource forest topology for multiple forests
In an account-resource forest topology, you have one or more account forests with active user accounts. You also have one or more resource forests with disabled accounts.
In this scenario, one (or more) resource forest trusts all account forests. The resource forest typically has an extended Active Directory schema with Exchange and Lync. All Exchange and Lync services, along with other shared services, are located in this forest. Users have a disabled user account in this forest, and the mailbox is linked to the account forest.

Office 365 and topology considerations

Some Office 365 workloads have certain restrictions on supported topologies:
Exchange OnlineFor more information about hybrid topologies supported by Exchange Online, see Hybrid deployments with multiple Active Directory forests.
Skype for BusinessWhen you're using multiple on-premises forests, only the account-resource forest topology is supported. For more information, see Environmental requirements for Skype for Business Server 2015.
If you are a larger organization, then you should consider to use the Office 365 PreferredDataLocationfeature. It allows you to define in which datacenter region the user's resources are located.

Staging server

Staging server in a topology
Azure AD Connect supports installing a second server in staging mode. A server in this mode reads data from all connected directories but does not write anything to connected directories. It uses the normal synchronization cycle and therefore has an updated copy of the identity data.
In a disaster where the primary server fails, you can fail over to the staging server. You do this in the Azure AD Connect wizard. This second server can be located in a different datacenter because no infrastructure is shared with the primary server. You must manually copy any configuration change made on the primary server to the second server.
You can use a staging server to test a new custom configuration and the effect that it has on your data. You can preview the changes and adjust the configuration. When you're happy with the new configuration, you can make the staging server the active server and set the old active server to staging mode.
You can also use this method to replace the active sync server. Prepare the new server and set it to staging mode. Make sure it's in a good state, disable staging mode (making it active), and shut down the currently active server.
It's possible to have more than one staging server when you want to have multiple backups in different datacenters.

Multiple Azure AD tenants

We recommend having a single tenant in Azure AD for an organization. Before you plan to use multiple Azure AD tenants, see the article Administrative units management in Azure AD. It covers common scenarios where you can use a single tenant.
Topology for multiple forests and multiple tenants
There's a 1:1 relationship between an Azure AD Connect sync server and an Azure AD tenant. For each Azure AD tenant, you need one Azure AD Connect sync server installation. The Azure AD tenant instances are isolated by design. That is, users in one tenant can't see users in the other tenant. If you want this separation, this is a supported configuration. Otherwise, you should use the single Azure AD tenant model.

Each object only once in an Azure AD tenant

Filtered topology for a single forest
In this topology, one Azure AD Connect sync server is connected to each Azure AD tenant. The Azure AD Connect sync servers must be configured for filtering so that each has a mutually exclusive set of objects to operate on. You can, for example, scope each server to a particular domain or organizational unit.
A DNS domain can be registered in only a single Azure AD tenant. The UPNs of the users in the on-premises Active Directory instance must also use separate namespaces. For example, in the preceding picture, three separate UPN suffixes are registered in the on-premises Active Directory instance:,, and The users in each on-premises Active Directory domain use a different namespace.
Global Address List Synchronization (GalSync) is not done automatically in this topology and requires an additional custom MIM implementation to ensure each tenant has a complete Global Address List (GAL) in Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online.
This topology has the following restrictions on otherwise supported scenarios:
  • Only one of the Azure AD tenants can enable an Exchange hybrid with the on-premises Active Directory instance.
  • Windows 10 devices can be associated with only one Azure AD tenant.
  • The single sign-on (SSO) option for password hash synchronization and pass-through authentication can be used with only one Azure AD tenant.
The requirement for a mutually exclusive set of objects also applies to writeback. Some writeback features are not supported with this topology because they assume a single on-premises configuration. These features include:
  • Group writeback with default configuration.
  • Device writeback.

Each object multiple times in an Azure AD tenant

Unsupported topology for a single forest and multiple tenants Unsupported topology for a single forest and multiple connectors
These tasks are unsupported:
  • Sync the same user to multiple Azure AD tenants.
  • Make a configuration change so that users in one Azure AD tenant appear as contacts in another Azure AD tenant.
  • Modify Azure AD Connect sync to connect to multiple Azure AD tenants.

GALSync by using writeback

Unsupported topology for multiple forests and multiple directories, with GALSync focusing on Azure AD Unsupported topology for multiple forests and multiple directories, with GALSync focusing on on-premises Active Directory
Azure AD tenants are isolated by design. These tasks are unsupported:
  • Change the configuration of Azure AD Connect sync to read data from another Azure AD tenant.
  • Export users as contacts to another on-premises Active Directory instance by using Azure AD Connect sync.

GALSync with on-premises sync server

GALSync in a topology for multiple forests and multiple directories
You can use FIM 2010 or MIM 2016 on-premises to sync users (via GALSync) between two Exchange organizations. The users in one organization appear as foreign users/contacts in the other organization. These different on-premises Active Directory instances can then be synchronized with their own Azure AD tenants.

Azure AD Connect user sign-in options

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Connect allows your users to sign in to both cloud and on-premises resources by using the same passwords. This article describes key concepts for each identity model to help you choose the identity that you want to use for signing in to Azure AD.
If you’re already familiar with the Azure AD identity model and want to learn more about a specific method, see the appropriate link:
It is important to remember that by configuring federation for Azure AD, you establish trust between your Azure AD tenant and your federated domains. With this trust federated domain users will have access to Azure AD cloud resources within the tenant.

Choosing the user sign-in method for your organization

The first decision of implementing Azure AD Connect is choosing which authentication method your users will use to sign in. It's important to make sure you choose the right method that meets your organization's security and advanced requirements. Authentication is critical, because it will validate user's identities to access apps and data in the cloud. To choose the right authentication method, you need to consider the time, existing infrastructure, complexity, and cost of implementing your choice. These factors are different for every organization and might change over time.
Azure AD supports the following authentication methods:
  • Cloud Authentication - When you choose this authentication method Azure AD handles the authentication process for user's sign-in. With cloud authentication you can choose from two options:
    • Password hash synchronization (PHS) - Password Hash Sync enables users to use the same username and password that they use on-premises without having to deploy any additional infrastructure besides Azure AD Connect.
    • Pass-through authentication (PTA) - This option is similar to password hash sync, but provides a simple password validation using on-premises software agents for organizations with strong security and compliance policies.
  • Federated authentication - When you choose this authentication method Azure AD will hand off the authentication process to a separate trusted authentication system, such as AD FS or a third-party federation system, to validate the user's sign-in.
For most organizations that just want to enable user sign-in to Office 365, SaaS applications, and other Azure AD-based resources, we recommend the default password hash synchronization option.
For detailed information on choosing an authentication method, see Choose the right authentication method for your Azure Active Directory hybrid identity solution

Password hash synchronization

With password hash synchronization, hashes of user passwords are synchronized from on-premises Active Directory to Azure AD. When passwords are changed or reset on-premises, the new password hashes are synchronized to Azure AD immediately so that your users can always use the same password for cloud resources and on-premises resources. The passwords are never sent to Azure AD or stored in Azure AD in clear text. You can use password hash synchronization together with password write-back to enable self-service password reset in Azure AD.
In addition, you can enable Seamless SSO for users on domain-joined machines that are on the corporate network. With single sign-on, enabled users only need to enter a username to help them securely access cloud resources.
Password hash synchronization
For more information, see the password hash synchronization article.

Pass-through authentication

With pass-through authentication, the user’s password is validated against the on-premises Active Directory controller. The password doesn't need to be present in Azure AD in any form. This allows for on-premises policies, such as sign-in hour restrictions, to be evaluated during authentication to cloud services.
Pass-through authentication uses a simple agent on a Windows Server 2012 R2 domain-joined machine in the on-premises environment. This agent listens for password validation requests. It doesn't require any inbound ports to be open to the Internet.
In addition, you can also enable single sign-on for users on domain-joined machines that are on the corporate network. With single sign-on, enabled users only need to enter a username to help them securely access cloud resources. Pass-through authentication
For more information, see:

Federation that uses a new or existing farm with AD FS in Windows Server 2012 R2

With federated sign-in, your users can sign in to Azure AD-based services with their on-premises passwords. While they're on the corporate network, they don't even have to enter their passwords. By using the federation option with AD FS, you can deploy a new or existing farm with AD FS in Windows Server 2012 R2. If you choose to specify an existing farm, Azure AD Connect configures the trust between your farm and Azure AD so that your users can sign in.
Federation with AD FS in Windows Server 2012 R2

Deploy federation with AD FS in Windows Server 2012 R2

If you're deploying a new farm, you need:
  • A Windows Server 2012 R2 server for the federation server.
  • A Windows Server 2012 R2 server for the Web Application Proxy.
  • A .pfx file with one SSL certificate for your intended federation service name. For example:
If you're deploying a new farm or using an existing farm, you need:
  • Local administrator credentials on your federation servers.
  • Local administrator credentials on any workgroup servers (not domain-joined) that you intend to deploy the Web Application Proxy role on.
  • The machine that you run the wizard on to be able to connect to any other machines that you want to install AD FS or Web Application Proxy on by using Windows Remote Management.
For more information, see Configuring SSO with AD FS.

Federation with PingFederate

With federated sign-in, your users can sign in to Azure AD-based services with their on-premises passwords. While they're on the corporate network, they don't even have to enter their passwords.
For more information on configuring PingFederate for use with Azure Active Directory, see PingFederate Integration with Azure Active Directory and Office 365
For information on setting up Azure AD Connect using PingFederate, see Azure AD Connect custom installation

Sign in by using an earlier version of AD FS or a third-party solution

If you've already configured cloud sign-in by using an earlier version of AD FS (such as AD FS 2.0) or a third-party federation provider, you can choose to skip user sign-in configuration through Azure AD Connect. This will enable you to get the latest synchronization and other capabilities of Azure AD Connect while still using your existing solution for sign-in.

User sign-in and user principal name

Understanding user principal name

In Active Directory, the default user principal name (UPN) suffix is the DNS name of the domain where the user account was created. In most cases, this is the domain name that's registered as the enterprise domain on the Internet. However, you can add more UPN suffixes by using Active Directory Domains and Trusts.
The UPN of the user has the format username@domain. For example, for an Active Directory domain named "", a user named John might have the UPN "". The UPN of the user is based on RFC 822. Although the UPN and email share the same format, the value of the UPN for a user might or might not be the same as the email address of the user.

User principal name in Azure AD

The Azure AD Connect wizard uses the userPrincipalName attribute or lets you specify the attribute (in a custom installation) to be used from on-premises as the user principal name in Azure AD. This is the value that is used for signing in to Azure AD. If the value of the userPrincipalName attribute doesn't correspond to a verified domain in Azure AD, then Azure AD replaces it with a default value.
Every directory in Azure Active Directory comes with a built-in domain name, with the format, that lets you get started using Azure or other Microsoft services. You can improve and simplify the sign-in experience by using custom domains. For information on custom domain names in Azure AD and how to verify a domain, see Add your custom domain name to Azure Active Directory.

Azure AD sign-in configuration

Azure AD sign-in configuration with Azure AD Connect

The Azure AD sign-in experience depends on whether Azure AD can match the user principal name suffix of a user that's being synced to one of the custom domains that are verified in the Azure AD directory. Azure AD Connect provides help while you configure Azure AD sign-in settings, so that the user sign-in experience in the cloud is similar to the on-premises experience.
Azure AD Connect lists the UPN suffixes that are defined for the domains and tries to match them with a custom domain in Azure AD. Then it helps you with the appropriate action that needs to be taken. The Azure AD sign-in page lists the UPN suffixes that are defined for on-premises Active Directory and displays the corresponding status against each suffix. The status values can be one of the following:
StateDescriptionAction needed
VerifiedAzure AD Connect found a matching verified domain in Azure AD. All users for this domain can sign in by using their on-premises credentials.No action is needed.
Not verifiedAzure AD Connect found a matching custom domain in Azure AD, but it isn't verified. The UPN suffix of the users of this domain will be changed to the default suffix after synchronization if the domain isn't verified.Verify the custom domain in Azure AD.
Not addedAzure AD Connect didn't find a custom domain that corresponded to the UPN suffix. The UPN suffix of the users of this domain will be changed to the default suffix if the domain isn't added and verified in Azure.Add and verify a custom domain that corresponds to the UPN suffix.
The Azure AD sign-in page lists the UPN suffixes that are defined for on-premises Active Directory and the corresponding custom domain in Azure AD with the current verification status. In a custom installation, you can now select the attribute for the user principal name on the Azure AD sign-in page.
Azure AD sign-in page
You can click the refresh button to re-fetch the latest status of the custom domains from Azure AD.

Selecting the attribute for the user principal name in Azure AD

The attribute userPrincipalName is the attribute that users use when they sign in to Azure AD and Office 365. You should verify the domains (also known as UPN suffixes) that are used in Azure AD before the users are synchronized.
We strongly recommend that you keep the default attribute userPrincipalName. If this attribute is nonroutable and can't be verified, then it's possible to select another attribute (email, for example) as the attribute that holds the sign-in ID. This is known as the Alternate ID. The Alternate ID attribute value must follow the RFC 822 standard. You can use an Alternate ID with both password SSO and federation SSO as the sign-in solution.
Using an Alternate ID isn't compatible with all Office 365 workloads. For more information, see Configuring Alternate Login ID.

Different custom domain states and their effect on the Azure sign-in experience

It's very important to understand the relationship between the custom domain states in your Azure AD directory and the UPN suffixes that are defined on-premises. Let's go through the different possible Azure sign-in experiences when you're setting up synchronization by using Azure AD Connect.
For the following information, let's assume that we're concerned with the UPN suffix, which is used in the on-premises directory as part of UPN--for example

Express settings/Password hash synchronization

StateEffect on user Azure sign-in experience
Not addedIn this case, no custom domain for has been added in the Azure AD directory. Users who have UPN on-premises with the suffix won't be able to use their on-premises UPN to sign in to Azure. They'll instead have to use a new UPN that's provided to them by Azure AD by adding the suffix for the default Azure AD directory. For example, if you're syncing users to the Azure AD directory, then the on-premises user will be given a UPN of
Not verifiedIn this case, we have a custom domain that's added in the Azure AD directory. However, it's not yet verified. If you go ahead with syncing users without verifying the domain, then the users will be assigned a new UPN by Azure AD, just like in the "Not added" scenario.
VerifiedIn this case, we have a custom domain that's already added and verified in Azure AD for the UPN suffix. Users will be able to use their on-premises user principal name, for example, to sign in to Azure after they're synced to Azure AD.

AD FS federation

You can't create a federation with the default domain in Azure AD or an unverified custom domain in Azure AD. When you're running the Azure AD Connect wizard, if you select an unverified domain to create a federation with, then Azure AD Connect prompts you with the necessary records to be created where your DNS is hosted for the domain. For more information, see Verify the Azure AD domain selected for federation.
If you selected the user sign-in option Federation with AD FS, then you must have a custom domain to continue creating a federation in Azure AD. For our discussion, this means that we should have a custom domain added in the Azure AD directory.
StateEffect on the user Azure sign-in experience
Not addedIn this case, Azure AD Connect didn't find a matching custom domain for the UPN suffix in the Azure AD directory. You need to add a custom domain if you need users to sign in by using AD FS with their on-premises UPN (like
Not verifiedIn this case, Azure AD Connect prompts you with appropriate details on how you can verify your domain at a later stage.
VerifiedIn this case, you can go ahead with the configuration without any further action.

Changing the user sign-in method

You can change the user sign-in method from federation, password hash synchronization, or pass-through authentication by using the tasks that are available in Azure AD Connect after the initial configuration of Azure AD Connect with the wizard. Run the Azure AD Connect wizard again, and you'll see a list of tasks that you can perform. Select Change user sign-in from the list of tasks.
Change user sign-in
On the next page, you're asked to provide the credentials for Azure AD.
Connect to Azure AD
On the User sign-in page, select the desired user sign-in.
Connect to Azure AD
If you're only making a temporary switch to password hash synchronization, then select the Do not convert user accounts check box. Not checking the option will convert each user to federated, and it can take several hours.